University of Strasbourg (Prof. Chambon) France

University of Ghent (Prof. Coomans) Belgium

University of Dallas, Texas (James Waddle / Terry Morris) USA

University of British Columbia, Vancover (Prof. Moermann) Canada

Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz (Prof. Technau) Germany

Columbia University, New York (Dr. Hobert) USA

University of Washington, Seattle (John Murray) USA

University Ghent (Dr. Wouter Houtfoofd) Belgien

University of Cambridge Medical Research Council (Dr. Markus Bischoff) UK

TU Braunschweig (Prof. Schnabel) Germany

National Taiwan University, Taipeh (Dr. Yi-Chun Wu )Taiwan

University of Cambridge (Dr. Zernicka-Götz) UK

University of Colorado, Medical Institute, Boulder (Dr. Morgan Tucker) USA

Humboldt-University, Berlin (Prof. Scholtz) Germany

University of Cologne / Zoology (Prof. Schierenberg) Germany

University of Cambridge (Dr. Cassandra Extavour) USA

Erasmus University Rotterdam (Dr. van Capellen) Netherlands

Harvard University, Cambridge (Dr. Jose Casal) USA

Freie University Berlin (Dr. Stach) Germany

MPI (Max-Planck-Institute) Biochemistry, Martinsried (Prof. Schnabel) Germany

German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg (Dr. Gumbel) Germany

MPI Experimental Medicine, Göttingen (Dr.Karabinos) Germany

MPI Medical Research, Heidelberg (Prof. Hutter) Germany

MPI / GSI Darmstadt, (Dr. Scholz) Germany

National Inst.Health(NIH), Bethesda (Dr. Daniel Hoeppner) USA

Centro de Investgación del Cáncer, Salamanca (Dr. Juan Cabello) Spain

ZBSA Zentrum für Biosystemanalyse Bioinformatics & Mol. Genetics, Freiburg (Prof. Baumeister) Germany

Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover (Dr. Barbara Conradt)USA

EMBL Heidelberg Medien LB (Medien für Lehrpläne und Bildungsstandards)


University of Dundee

National Institutes of Health (NIH/NINDS)

Unique KineTech Corporation


Centro de Investgación del Cáncer

Dartmouth Medical School

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Freie Universität Berlin

Harvard University

UNI Sars Centre

Uni Tübingen - Zoologie

University of Cambridge

University of Groningen