Publikationen über tierwissenschaftliche Analysen mit Simi Systemen
de Godoi, F.N., Toral, F.L.B, de Miranda, A.L.S., Menzel, H.J.K, de Almeida, F.Q., Garcia Bergmann, J.A. (2016). Kinematic and morphological traits and the probability of successful jumps of young Brazilian Sport Horses. Livestock Science, 185, 8-16. [WWW]
Denham, S.F., Staniar, W.B., Dascanio, J.J., Phillips, A.B. & Splan, R.K. (2012). Linear and Temporal Kinematics of the Walk in Warmblood Foals. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 32 (2) 112-115.
Procópio, A.M., Bergmann, J.A.G., Menzel, H.J., Brêtas, M. S., Herr, J. & Fantini, P. (2007). Curvas ângulo-tempo das articulações dos eqüinos marchadores. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec, 59 (1) 41-48.
Froeger, M. & Peham, C. (2009). Kinematic analysis of the sliding stop in western riding at the mallorca western reining trophy 2006. Internation Conference on biomechanics in sports.
Martuzzi, F., Ranieri, A., Gosi, S. et al. (2009). Two-dimensional kinematics in gait evaluation of Bardigiano Horse breeding stock. 18th Congress of the Scientific-Association-of-Animal-Production (ASPA) Location: Palermo, ITALY Date: JUN 09-12, 2009, Italian Journal of Animal Science. 8 (2) 718-720.
Denham, S.F. (2007). Changes in conformation and walk kinematics of suckling and weanling warmblood foals.
ICREO. Zur Objektivierung des Einflusses osteopathischer Behandlung bei Pferden.
Martuzzi, F.; Gosi, S.; Simonini, F. Vaccari; et al. (2007). Kinematics of gaits in Bardigiano horses . 17th Congress of the Scientific-Association-of-Animal-Production Location: Alghero, ITALY Date: MAY 29-JUN 01, 2007. Italian Journal of Animal Science. 6 (1) 653-653.
Publikationen über tierwissenschaftliche Analysen mit Simi Systemen
Bockstahler, B., Kräutler, C., Holler, P., Kotschwar, A., Vobornik, A. & Peham, C. (2012). Pelvic Limb Kinematics and Surface Electromyography of the Vastus Lateralis, Biceps Femoris, and Gluteus Medius Muscle in Dogs with Hip Osteoarthritis. Veterinary Surgery, 41 (1) 54-62.
Holler, P.J., Brazda, V., Dal-Bianco, et al. (2010). Kinematic motion analysis of the joints of the forelimbs and hind limbs of dogs during walking exercise regimens. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 71 (7) 734-740.
Richards, J., Holler, P., Bockstahler, B., Dale, B., Müller, M., Burston, J., Selfe, J. & Levine, D. (2010). A comparison of human and canine kinematics during level walking, stair ascent, and stair descent. Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr. - Vet. Med. Austria. 97, 92-100
Bockstahler, B.B., Gesky, Roland., Mueller, Marion, et al. (2009). Correlation of Surface Electromyography of the Vastus Lateralis Muscle in Dogs at a Walk with Joint Kinematics and Ground Reaction Forces. Veterinary Surgery, 38 (6) 754-761.
Bockstahler, B.A., Vobornik, A., Müller, M. & Peham, C. (2009). Compensatory load redistribution in naturally occurring osteoarthritis of the elbow joint and induced weight-bearing lameness of the forelimbs compared with clinically sound dogs. The Veterinary Journal, 180, 202-212
Katic, N., Bockstahler, B.A., Mueller, M. & Peham, C. (2009). Fourier analysis of vertical ground reaction forces in dogs with unilateral hind limb lameness caused by degenerative disease of the hip joint and in dogs without lameness. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 70 (1) 118-126.
Bockstahler, B.A., Müller, M., Henninger, W., Mayrhofer, E., Peham, C. & Podbregar, I. (2008). Kinetische und kinematische Analyse der Bewegung (Ganganalyse) der Vorderextremitäten bei gesunden Militärhunden - Erhebung von Basiswerten. Vet. Med. Austria, 95, 127-138.
Bockstahler, B.A., Henninger, W., Müller, M., Mayrhofer, E., Peham, C. & Podbregar, I. (2007). Influence of borderline hip dysplasia on joint kinematics of clinically sound Belgian Shepherd dogs. AJVR, 68 (3) 271-276.
Bockstahler, B.A., Skalicky, M., Peham, C., Müller, M. & Lorinson, D. (2007). Reliability of ground reaction forces measured on a treadmill system in healthy dogs. The Veterinary Journal. 173, 373-378.
Mueller, M.., Bockstahler, B., Skalicky, M.., et al. (2007). Effects of radial shockwave therapy on the limb function of dogs with hip osteoarthritis. Veterinary Record, 160 (22) 762-765.
Mlacnik, E., Bockstahler, B.A., Mueller, M., et al. (2006). Effects of caloric restriction and a moderate or intense physiotherapy program for treatment of lameness in overweight dogs with osteoarthritis. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 229 (11) 1756-1760.
Gosi, S., Michelotti, M. & Bracchi, P.G. (2005). Biomechanical studies on flat-coat dogs. Ann. Fac. Medic. Vet. di Parma, 25, 47-72
Gosi, S. (2009). Studio sulla biomeccanica della colonna vertebrale in cani di razza boxer.
Mussmann, K. Ellbogengelenkdysplasie des Hundes: Studie zur bildgebenden Diagnostik und postoperativen Erfolgskontrolle mittels computerisierter Ganganalyse. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
Publikationen über tierwissenschaftliche Analysen mit Simi Systemen
Koblitz, J.C. (2014). Studying the biosonar of bats and porpoises using multi receiver arrays. Dissertation. [WWW]
Melcon, M. L.; Yovel, Y.; Denzinger, A. et al. (2011). How greater mouse-eared bats deal with ambiguous echoic scenes. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology sensory neural and behavioural physiology, 197 (5-S1) 505-514.
Koblitz, J.C., Stilz, P., Schnitzler, H-U. (2010). Source levels of echolocation signals vary in correlation with wingbeat cycle in landing big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus). Journal of Experimental Biology, 213 (19) 3263-3268.
Melcón, M.L. & Schnitzler, H-U. (2009). Variability of the approach phase of landing echolocating Greater Mouse-eared bats. J. Comp. Physiol A, 195, 69-77.
Melcón, M.L., Denzinger, A. & Schnitzler, H-U. (2007). Aerial hawking and landing: approach behaviour in Natterer’s bats, Myotis nattereri (Kuhl 1818). The Journal of Experimental Biology, 210, 4457-4464.
Schaub, A. & Schnitzler, H-U. (2007). Flight and echolocation behaviour of three vespertilionid bat species while commuting on flyways. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, 193 (12) 1185-1194.
Weinbeer, M. & Kalko, E.K.V. (2007). Ecological niche and phylogeny: the highly complex echolocation behavior of the trawling long-legged bat, Macrophyllum macrophyllum. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 61 (9) 1337-1348.
Schaub, A. & Schnitzler, H-U. Flyways of commuting vespertilionid bats at different background situations. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Schaub, A., Pflästerer, W., Leutner, S., Denzinger. A., & Schnitzler, H-U. Guidance behavior of commuting Greater Horseshoe bats. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Schaub, A. & Schnitzler, H-U. Spatial Orientation in Vespertilionid Bats. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Publikationen über tierwissenschaftliche Analysen mit Simi Systemen
N. Blackie, N., Bleach, E.C.L., Amory, J.R., Scaife, J.R. (2013). Associations between locomotion score and kinematic measures in dairy cows with varying hoof lesion types. Journal of Dairy Science, 96 (6) 3564–3572.
Zhong, H., Roy, R.R., Nadaka, K.K., Zdunowskic, S., Khalili, N., de Leon, R.D. & Edgerton, R.B. (2012). Accommodation of the Spinal Cat to a Tripping Perturbation. Frontiers in Physiology, 3. 112.
Blackie, N., Bleach, E., Amorya, J. & Scaifea. (2011). Impact of lameness on gait characteristics and lying behaviour of zero grazed dairy cattle in early lactation. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 129, (2-4) 67-73.
Witney, A.G. & Hedwig, B. (2011). Kinematics of phonotactic steering in the walking cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (de Geer). Journal of Experimental Biology, 214 (1) 69-79.
Nyakatura, J.A., Petrovitch, A. & Fischera, M.S. (2010). Limb kinematics during locomotion in the two-toed sloth (Choloepus didactylus, Xenarthra) and its implications for the evolution of the sloth locomotor apparatus. Zoology, 113 (4) 221-234.
Qian, Yu; Lin, Zhen; Chen, Jimin; et al. (2009). Natural Bone Collagen Scaffold Combined with Autologous Enriched Bone Marrow Cells for Induction of Osteogenesis in an Ovine Spinal Fusion Model. Tissue Engineering Part A, 15 (11) 3547-3558.
O'Keefe, N., Clough, S. & Lepper, P.A. (2009). Preliminary investigations into the response of O+ twaite shad (alosa fallax) to ultrasound and its potential as an entrainment deterrent. Fifth International Conference on Bio-acoustics 2009, 31st March-2nd April 2009, Loughborough. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics. 31 (1) 57-63.
Fischer, M.S., Krause, C. & Lilje, K.E. (2009). Evolution of chameleon locomotion, or how to become arboreal as a reptile. Zoology.
Buchmann, S. Biomechanische in-vitro-Testung eines Wirbelkörperersatzes am thorakolumbalen Übergang in Verbindung mit verschiedenen Stabilisierungsmethoden am bovinen Tiermodell. Technische Universität München.